Wednesday, February 8, 2012

project crazy

I'm working on a project for a class and basically I have to take 100-1000 pictures a day for 10 days and then at the end I can either use 1 picture or all the pictures and basically do whatever I want. Some people made a childrens book, some people make a video, someone  I think put all their pictures on a roll of tape and hogtied the entire class with it.

I had a really good idea for this project, and then I ended up scrapping that idea and doing something else, and then scrapping that idea and now doing something completely different. Because this project is so open ended It's hard for me to solidify an idea when I feel like I could be doing something better. Fortunately what I have no, I think, is pretty good.

This is just a quick sample of what I'm doing. In the end it's going to be an actual video with music and fonts! I made this into a GIF because I wanted to see what a sample of what I'm doing would look like in motion without having to open up premiere, inportm resize, rendor, export, etc...

Special thanks to Ivan for letting me borrow his tilt shift. The low res gif doesn't look that good so I'll upload an actual still.

this is my toy house and those are my toy dogs. Hopefully the rest of this will turn out much better. I want to try to get a sunrise using this technique but I'm not sure if I'm for waking up that early...

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