Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 5 Wedding Day

Day 5 sept 3
Names dates and faces have been changed

Today was the most tiring day of all. Wedding day. This is where all my ktb training finally come into use.

I was walking around this morning and I ran into the most peculiar thing. A little tree in the middle of tide pools.

Before any of the wedding stuff got started I scouted some good shooting locations for future reference. The weather here is extremely bipolar, literally on a minute to minute basis you can have amazing clouds or a terrible storm. This is the tropics. And there were some amazing clouds today

Other than that everything was pretty routine. There was some really nice windows that I had the bride pose in front of.

And some nice detail shots of the shoes.

Some shots walking the street

At the reception site. 

Overall I must say they were a great couple. They did whatever I suggested, and didn't complain, but probably because they couldn't speak english...

1 comment:

  1. I keep looking at these pictures cuz I miss Miguel Angel :( but I think it just makes it worse! Thanks Joseph for all your hard work. What would I have done without you?? I know... Freak out even more than I was already!
