Wednesday, June 23, 2010

how to do well in school

Since I've started summer school I've been thinking about how to change my study habits so I can get the best grade possible.

If you're like most people you tell yourself "I am not going to procrastinate, I am going to do everything on time!", and you keep that promise to yourself, at least in the beginning.

What ends up happening is you do well in the beginning of the semester/quarter and then towards the end you start slacking off a little, then a lot, then everything becomes a last minute panic. And so your work and or papers become increasingly poor and your teacher notices and your grades suffer.

So today I thought of a genius way how to get by this. Instead of doing things on time in the beginning of the semester/quarter I should just start procrastinating now, then my work stays consistently bad and I'll tell my teacher "but i'm trying really hard..." and since this is an english class and me being asian it's easy to believe that i have trouble with english. Therefore my work never gets worse, it just stays the same and at the end of the semester i'll actually try hard on the final and tada... easy A

smooooth sailing from here on out. i have a paper due at 10 tmrw so i'm gonna wake up at 9 to do it. goodnight everyone!

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