Thursday, March 10, 2011

I didn't want to do my hw, so i'm doing this

I have some hw I need to do, but I didn't feel like doing it. So instead I was going to take a nap, but I got mad at myself because I wanted to do something productive. So I decided to build a light box and take pictures. 

I got the idea from looking at some of eddy's pictures and he had a similar set up. The pictures came out with a cardboard brown tint, and I didn't feel like lining the entire inside with white paper so I tried to fix it in the post edit.

The right size cardboard box was hard to find, they were all either too big or too small, so I went for too big. Yes this is my room and those are socks on the ground haha

The first picture I took was of my watch, it was super hard to balance because the cardboard wasn't perfectly even and the leather watch band didn't help.

this is some christmas candy, you can see the ugly brown cardboard tint in this picture.

these are gobstoppers, which I am currently eating. This picture was tricky because all the gobstoppers would want to roll to the back of the box

I took this picture cause I wanted to show the shallow depth of field. I shot this at f1.4, the gobstopper picture probably shows the DOF better.

There's nothing particularly special about this picture, I just like bionicles. 

I wanted to take a picture of something with more texture, so I tried using my keys

These scissors helped me cut the holes in the lightbox. more ugly cardboard brown...

alright I should start my hw...

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