Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 6

I'm actually going to start with a small paragraph I left out of day 5 because I didn't want to take any focus from the wedding pictures.

Day 5 (continued)

Today was also my first time riding a bicitaxi. Which is basically what it sounds like. A taxi bicycle. It was a little nerve wrecking for mu because on one side I had a $2500 lens dangling and the other side was my backpack with both my passport and wallet. If I dropped either I would be screwed. But Natasha was having fun in hers.

Day 6 sept 4
Names have been changed

Today is Asian Betty whites birthday! (ceo's wife)Happy birthday Asian Betty white.

My greatest fear came true today. I found a mosquito inside the safe haven of my mosquito net. I immediately smashed it. I got bit by some exotic ants today that left a really gross swelling on my arms. That and the mosquito bite makes me look like I have hellboy arms.

Today we rented out a bus and went to a river here. The rivers here are really nice. Families flock to them and just sit in the water and relax. It reminds m e of those old world monkeys in Japan.

We had to hike through some lost-style forests to get there.

But it wad incredibly beautiful

We cooked a pig in an outdoor brick oven for lunch.

Also the avocados here are pretty enormous. This one is considered small, but it was still the size of a small chipotle burrito.

Some guy also set up a little mini bar where he was situated in the river. This is actually quite common here. People go swimming with bottle of rum tied to their waist.

There are some really interesting tropical flowers here too

Tmrw is our last full day here. I still need to get through the engagement pictures. We're going to the capital city and I can wait to get some epic shots so I can stick it to that other wedding photography company who's stuff looks exactly like ours. 

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering last night if you got pictures of the river day. It looks more tropical than I remember. maybe cuz I was busy watching out for mosquito and santanillas (those tiny, slow moving red ants that leave ginormous welts).
