Day 5 (continued)
Today was also my first time riding a bicitaxi. Which is basically what it sounds like. A taxi bicycle. It was a little nerve wrecking for mu because on one side I had a $2500 lens dangling and the other side was my backpack with both my passport and wallet. If I dropped either I would be screwed. But Natasha was having fun in hers.
Day 6 sept 4
Names have been changed
Today is Asian Betty whites birthday! (ceo's wife)Happy birthday Asian Betty white.
My greatest fear came true today. I found a mosquito inside the safe haven of my mosquito net. I immediately smashed it. I got bit by some exotic ants today that left a really gross swelling on my arms. That and the mosquito bite makes me look like I have hellboy arms.
Today we rented out a bus and went to a river here. The rivers here are really nice. Families flock to them and just sit in the water and relax. It reminds m e of those old world monkeys in Japan.
We had to hike through some lost-style forests to get there.
But it wad incredibly beautiful
We cooked a pig in an outdoor brick oven for lunch.
Also the avocados here are pretty enormous. This one is considered small, but it was still the size of a small chipotle burrito.
There are some really interesting tropical flowers here too
Tmrw is our last full day here. I still need to get through the engagement pictures. We're going to the capital city and I can wait to get some epic shots so I can stick it to that other wedding photography company who's stuff looks exactly like ours.
I was wondering last night if you got pictures of the river day. It looks more tropical than I remember. maybe cuz I was busy watching out for mosquito and santanillas (those tiny, slow moving red ants that leave ginormous welts).