First full day aug 30
Names dates places and events have been changed
Today was my first full day here. I know a lot of people are going to be interested in my trip and so im going to keep a detailed account of what I do here and update it to my blog so I can just direct people there instead of repeating the same story a brazillian times. With the help of my weather proofed camera (which is good cause it rains a lot) I'll try to retell this story with as many pictures as possible because I know Americans dont like to read anything that's longer than a status update.
For 8 days I went to a country that only rich people know about and can travel to. I know what you're thinking and no, it's not swarsnia.
I can't tell you guys exactly where I went because someone told me it's illegal and the government will fine you or detain you. So instead I'll show you a picture of the plane.
its russian and the release a gas to put you asleep so you cant remember how you got there.
There are a lot of Mosquitos here. I actually counted 32 visible mosquito bites and I'm sure that number is probably closer to 40 because I can't look at my back or the back of my knees. I just set up a mosquito net (more like a tent) and I thought to myself "it would suck if a mosquito was trapped in this net while I was sleeping, I would wake up with a bunch of mosquito bites and a giant fat mosquito trying to fight off food coma"
I'm traveling with a group of people to photograph a ver important wedding here. One of the members is a CEO of an American company so I'll just refer to him as CEO. CEO has amazing people skills, He approaches people like it's his business and speaks English to them (even though no one here speaks it) with the full intention of becoming their friends. It doesn't matter if we're sitting around our host's house or swimming with strangers, he'll talk to anyone and persists even with the huge language barrier.
By the way, the water here is amazing. It's warm and clear. You can float in it and never get cold because it's so warm.
Today we ate goat and homemade flan. It was a little sweeter than I'm used to because they use a lot of fresh sugar (does anyone know what el torito uses?)
Well I just finished playing dominos with miguel and some locals. Rum here is also very popular (and very strong 70%)
There are a lot of stray dogs and cats here. But everyone in the neighborhood leaves out food for them.
Well I think its time for me to call it a night and nurse my bug bites (I just found 2 more mosquito bites on my pinky and toes.
Buenas noches todos.
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