Thursday, February 24, 2011

wow! 2 posts in 1 day!

I decided to go out and take some pictures near my house because i've always wanted to try it.

After playing drakes among thieves on ps3 I was feeling particularly adventurous today, so I decided to go to some railroad tracks near my house, which ended up being super creepy.
So after some illegal parking I came upon a moving train, so in a hurry i set up my tripod and camera, focused (or tried to, it was dark with no lights so focusing turned into a guessing game). here's the first creepy picture i took.

it's hard to tell, but the train on the right is moving. Also I don't know how to upload it so the picture is bigger on this blogger. anyways after the train passed I noticed this buzzing sound, and I realized I was standing next to live tracks. So i carefully walked over them cause I didn't want to get electrocuted and fried to death.

After taking that picture i realized it was way too bright on that side of the tracks. So I turned around and got my tripod down to the lowest position and tried again

I tried to get the vanishing point effect and using a very shallow depth of field I tried to only get the middle of the tracks to focus. I spent about 45 minutes on these tracks before I called it a night.

There are some people I have to thank for making these pictures possible
John: couldn't have done it without your tripod
Jon: gave me a flashlight 2 years ago for my birthday, I used it to help me focus the camera and also to get around safely
Eddy: for telling me to take better pictures, you jerk... haha
Ivan: For being awesome

I took this last one while walking back to my car, wide open at 1.4 and handheld.
thanks for reading

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